Sep 7Liked by Ericka Andersen

I love your writing and faithfully save your emails until I can give them the time they deserve. Also I have the Love Anyway sweatshirt! I appreciate the way you think through things (and the conclusions you come to) and just wanted to come here to offer a word of support. I don't remember how I found you initially (likely IG, though I'm no longer active there), but I'm sticking with ya!

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Oh thank you so much Sarah!

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Aug 27Liked by Ericka Andersen

Erica, that’s tough🙁. Being canceled is never easy. Rejection hurts. You’re standing strong, keep it up. Don’t bend the knee. Jesus told us that if they hate you remember they hated me first. Realize you are in good company. It’s amazing how vile people can be because they don’t agree with your ideas. I did laugh at their remarks. You’re absolutely right about if those people needed help you’d still help them. That’s totally Jesus. Be strong in the Lord and the power of His name. Put on the full armor and fight the good fight.

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Thank you John!

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I’ve experienced similar things that we should talk about soon. Several dear friends in recovery reaching out and saying they could no longer associate with me because I talk openly about being a Christian in recovery. 🤔

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Yes let’s talk — always up for that!

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Great piece and wisdom, Ericka. And an even better response to the garbage being heaped on you.

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Aug 26Liked by Ericka Andersen

Ughhhh. I’m sorry, and I agree with what you’re saying here. I have had more personal ramifications for my opinions that professional which honestly maybe is worse? It’s wild to be dismissed from a *personal relationship* because of a differing view.

Also I taught Laurie Halse Anderson’s novel Chains (amazing YA historical fiction) when I was a middle school English teacher, and even took my class to see her speak. I wonder what she’s up to these days as this was years ago, and if she still stands for these things.

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You are so kind, Susan!

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