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This is interesting. I considered being a surrogate some years ago. I already had three healthy, kids, loved being pregnant, and had a friend who did it. Also, it seemed a way for me to reasonably make an income and help people, while still focusing on parenting.

Later I was glad I didn't, but that was because when I got pregnant again I found out I had lupus and spent most of the year almost dying.

Anyway, this article makes some good points. In many ways it highlights how many of these problems could be solved through oversight. But I am pretty blown away by who can get babies this way--not just couples, not checked for abuse or mental health, internationally, without limit. That is crazy. And seperation from the mother.

I am an expert on human trafficking and I can see how you can argue either way for this, but you'd have to really be able to prove it was exploitating the bio-mother to always call it trafficking, which could happen, but I don't think it always would be (like, for example, in my case). Adoption has always been like this, except in this case the mom is having babies and exploitating the children, being paid and funded, having one new people one after the other as infants are high in demand.

I am not totally convinced surrogacy has to always be evil, especially if they are relatives, or living together. But definitely rethinking this and really feel like it is something we need to know this stuff about. Thanks for the research and letting us know.

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