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I find this topic somewhat amusing. The only reason I can se for the Male Only Pastors is one of control and/or a need for dominance. You named a number of women of importance in the Bible but you didn't go back far enough. From the beginning women have been given major roles and held on high. At the Fall, Adam got to work his butt off for the rest of his life just to eat whereas Eve would have pain in giving birth it was her seed that would bring redemption. Sarah is the only person in the Bible who Laughs in the face of God and lives to tell about it. And on and on it goes all through scripture. It could be argued that Jesus didn't need to be "born". God just as easily could have created the whole thing from the beginning to have occurred any number of different ways. But He chose to have a young woman bring His Son into the world. It should be obvious to any thinking person that both genders (and there's only 2) are necessary to procreate and that would include birthing churches and followers. It should also be obvious that if God created a person He endowed them with a personality. Which would imply that some, regardless of gender are born to be leaders. That does occur more often in males than females, for some Godly reason but does not preclude the fact that plenty of women are born to lead. And there is a plethora of examples.

If you want more information on Creation, but from the Intelligent Design perspective (although many of them, like John Lennox, are more seven day Creation leaning) explore the website EvolutioNews.org. It will blow your mind where the science of today is at. Check out some of videos of Dr. James Tour.

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